Hi, I'm Hayley, the creator of The Next New Thing (to Me). This is a website where I share my misadventures and challenges as woman who is embracing a new season of life, after having been a book writer for almost 30 years, I’m trying something new with this short form style!

The Next New Thing (to Me) is my way of documenting and sharing my new thoughts and experiences with you. I hope to inspire you to embrace change no matter what your age. You're never too old to learn something new! And, you’re most definitely never too old to grow. What’s that they say, if you aren’t growing then you’re dying?

By subscribing, you'll get articles about my latest musings, challenges, achievements and failures. You'll also get access to my latest book projects. And, I'll share some of the resources and tools that I use to learn and grow.

I'm always open to suggestions and feedback, so feel free to leave a comment or contact me anytime. I'd love to hear from you and learn about your next new thing!

Thank you for visiting The Next New Thing (to Me) and joining me on this journey. I hope you’ll subscribe. Let's make the most of this wonderful time of our lives together!

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By subscribing, you’ll get access to exclusive content, updates, and offers. You’ll also join a community of like-minded people who are eager to learn, to laugh, and to grow as they seek to know themselves and God more. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore new possibilities and enjoy life to the fullest. Subscribe to The Next New Thing (to Me) today and stay up-to-date.

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Be part of a group of people who live life ready for the Next New Thing (to Me), and to share their insights along the way.

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The Next New Thing (to Me) is my place for sharing what's new to me; new chapters in life to new skills or ideas I've been pondering that keep me alive and growing. And maybe just a bit of the spiritual mixed in for good measure.


Writing a rough draft of this next chapter of life.