Hi, I'm Hayley, the creator of The Next New Thing (to Me) the place for sharing what's new in the world of human hacking. I see life as an ongoing project, one where I actively participate in my own transformation alongside God. It’s not about waiting for someone else to fix things for me or buying into a pre-made solution—it’s about being brave enough to examine my old ways and say, “There’s got to be a more godly way.”
Human hacking isn’t about shortcuts or self-made progress. It’s about awakening to God’s way of living—with small, counterintuitive steps of faith that challenge our natural or practiced instinct for self-protection. It's like that moment when you discover that freezing herbs in olive oil creates instant flavor bombs for cooking, or when you learn that putting a wooden spoon across a pot prevents it from boiling over. But my human hacks aren’t just shortcuts; they’re disruptions to old, ingrained habits—tiny rebellions that open our eyes to a better way of living. Just because we’ve always done something one way doesn’t mean it’s the best way. Human hacking is a lived experiment of fully embraced faith in areas that seem counterintuitive to your self-protection. It’s requires a willingness to risk love over selfishness, generosity over control, humility over pride until experience proves what faith has claimed all along.
We're all carrying around some over-worn methods - ways of living we’ve inherited from our parents or developed from years of practice - without ever questioning their spiritual validity. But true spiritual growth happens in those small, subversive moments when we say, "Wait. What if?"
What if connection matters more than competition? Let me try that.
What if gentleness is actually stronger than pride? I’m going to prove that.
What if love is just saying ‘no’ to selfishness? I’m going to risk that.
The most radical life hacks turn out to be steps towards simplification. They're ah-ha moments that involve reorienting how we move through the world —like choosing to see beauty in strangers instead of protecting ourselves, or recognizing that vulnerability might be our most powerful strategy.
When you subscribe, you'll get articles about my latest hacks, challenges, achievements and failures. You'll also get access to my latest book projects. And, I'll share some of the resources and tools that I use to learn and grow.
I'm always open to suggestions and feedback, so feel free to leave a comment or contact me anytime. I'd love to hear from you and learn about your next new thing!
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After publishing over 40 books and Bibles, the majority of bookstores who sold those books tragically closed up shop. That left me without an outlet for my writing. Then along came Substack. Here, I am able to write and directly send my latest work to you! Most of it comes to you free of charge, but if you’d like access to my latest books and more, then subscribing will give you that access.
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